
The museum rises in Piazza della Transalpina, a square whose name comes from the railway.

Once upon a time, the Square was split into two by a wall reaching at eye level, marking the border between the Italian state and the Slovenian one. When Slovenia became a Member State of the European Community, the small wall was torn down, and its place is now taken by a row of bricks indicating the frontier line. Nowadays, a circular mosaic is to be found at the centre of the square, half in Italy and half in Slovenia, and you may pass from one country into the other with utter ease. In the atrium of the Railway Station in Nova Gorica, in Piazza della Transalpina, a museum has been set up with exhibits dating back to the times of the Italian-Yugoslav border, together with a trans-frontier tourist-and-cultural Information office.
"Amare in bici" Association
via Locchi, 14/1 Gorizia
V.A.T. no. 01190700318 - TAX no. 91044880317